Wednesday, March 18, 2009

life has been getting busier lately.. thank goodness for spring break. got the summicron 35 from kip and it has been amazing so far shooting with it.. and looks brand new too

m6 + summicron 35

going to the park with jen. seems like every spring the hills get really HAVE to go

really wish there wasn't a freeway there. just miles of land

hot girls with sweet cameras.. what more can a man want?

later that day hung out with paul, ali and thom.. fml

best dog in the world right here.

yeah thats right i just took a picture of you

someone took a photo of me and somehow it didnt come out blurry.. people always get lucky with it

damned puzzle

the girls were boring and talking about their IRL drama and boys.. we went to go explore the house. simona trying to kick us out of her room

nicholas fucking cage


this was not taken by me.. paul?

also not taken by me

got home around 2. i got on the computer and paul was wondering what the obama thing in my twitter was about. i told him obama was coming to orange county on wednesday (it was monday) and we spent an hour arguing whether or not we should camp out for tickets

30d + 35L mostly at f/1.4

so we did. got donuts, sleeping bags, laptops and jackets (not enough jackets)

annoying ladies sitting next to us.

watching 30rock

somewhat less annoying people to the left of us

its cold.

a bunch of news cars came to see what all the fuss was about. paul and i checking it out

telemundo spanish reporter chick

crazy editing station

paul wants to do newsy stuff so we talked to the editor in the seemingly less nice news van.. they were still editing with tapes and stuff. cool gal

paul the reporter!

and then getting interviews. got asked, "so, youre pretty far in the line.. hows it feel to know you will probably not get tickets!?"

spanish lady surrounded by latino people who probably thought i was an ass (long story FML)

some people went all out. makeshift fort

the first beautiful image i woke up to. line was now twice as long and i was tired as hell

watching "waking life" to pass time

dog that was probably warmer than me.. even has a jacket.

where i slept

coffee!! andrea (pauls lovely lady) came and brought us some foodz.

another shot to coffeejesus

annoying asshole neighbor ladies.


so at 8 o clock, everyone ended up bum rushing to the front and massive amounts of people cut in line.

and we were ticketless.